The Best Kid Safe Blinds For Your Home

Feb 17, 2022

Having kids can be joyful and stressful at the same time. Once you become a parent, you will have to spend a lot of time making sure that your home provides a safe and nurturing environment for your children. This means that you’re going to have to make certain changes around your home. Today, we’re going to focus on how to make your window treatments safe for your child. We’re going to talk about how kid safe blinds can let you dress your windows without endangering your children.

Window treatments often get a lot of heat for being unsafe for children. This is due to the fact that they present certain safety hazards. A lot of window treatments come with cords in their lift mechanisms. These cords can be dangerous for children in a number of ways. However, kid safe blinds are designed to not include components that pose a risk for your child’s safety.


Simply put, kid safe blinds are designed to keep your little ones safe. They generally don’t have cords (which pose the biggest safety risk) and have design elements that make them safe around kids. Picking window treatments that are child safe and also stylish can be frustrating. This is why we’ve made a list of the safest window treatments for you. We’re going to take a look at window treatments that are stylish, functional, and some of the safest blinds for your toddlers.


You can make your home safer for your children without having to remove your blinds and curtains. Thankfully, there are plenty of kid safe blinds out there. You can either rely on stop-gap measures such as adjusting the cords on your existing window treatments, or you can upgrade to child safe window treatments. We’d recommend that you go for the latter option. Stop-gap measures only minimize the risks that regular window treatments pose to your kids.

These are the safest blinds for homes with toddlers:

  • Cordless blinds
  • Motorized blinds
  • Shutters

Cordless Kid Safe Blinds

Cordless blinds are incredible child safe window treatments since they don’t have any cords. Their lift mechanism relies on other components to move lift and lower the blinds. Window treatment cords are made from really tough materials, and they’re easy to get tangled in. This makes them a major safety hazard in homes with toddlers and children. Cordless blinds are one of the safest blinds for homes with toddlers.

Instead of relying on corded lift mechanisms, cordless blinds use systems that require you to lift and lower them by hand. While cordless blinds aren’t as convenient as regular blinds, they’re a great child safe window treatments option. In order to make them even more baby safe, you can get cordless blinds that don’t hang beneath your window sill. These look great on shorter windows and remain out of your toddler’s reach.

Motorized Blinds

Motorized blinds are slowly gaining popularity as their price point is going down. As their name suggests, motorized blinds are fitted with a motorized lift mechanism. You can lift or lower these blinds with the push of a button. Motorized blinds are cordless, making them great kid safe blinds. They’re also far more convenient to use than regular cordless blinds.

You can find motorized blinds that are operated via remote controls or smart controls. You can integrate them with home automation systems and interact with them via a smartphone app. The only downside of motorized blinds is their cost. They’re relatively expensive when compared to other child safe window treatments. If you can afford them, they are certainly a worthy investment.


Shutters are old-school yet really effective child safe window treatments. Unlike the other options in this list, shutters don’t have any lifting mechanism at all. This makes them a great alternative to baby safe blinds. Also, they look really fashionable and can make a huge impact on your interior design.

Another cool thing about shutters is that they are incredibly robust. Even if your child does get a hold of them, they won’t be able to damage them. Shutters are made from solid wood, and they don’t have any small breakable parts. They’re long-lasting and good-looking, making them superb child safe window treatments.

If your house has toddlers, we would recommend that you get shutters. They’re the safest blinds for houses with toddlers.


Once you find window treatments that are child safe and to your liking, you can have them installed. In order to make your blinds as baby safe as possible, you should take a few precautions while having them installed.

  • Make sure that you remove all furniture from near your windows. A curious toddler can easily climb on top of nearby items and get a hold of your window treatments.
  • Consult your window treatment installation team about how to install your window treatment rails. By reinforcing your rails, you can reduce the chances of your window treatments being torn out of your walls in case your child hangs on them.
  • Make sure that you hire a professional installation team for this job. Professionals use proper equipment and have adequate knowledge on how to install your window treatments as robustly as possible.


Having kids in your home does not mean that you cannot dress your windows with window treatments. There are plenty of kid safe blinds out there that you can get for your home. Kid safe blinds are really popular in New York since they look great and keep your children safe.

If you’re unsure about what baby safe blinds you should get for your home, you can get in touch with us. Here at Alluring Windows, we excel in helping customers select the right window treatments for their homes. Our team can help you find the safest blinds for your toddlers and also make sure that they make your windows look great.